Student Success

"You are capable of being successful"
Students hear it all the time, “You are capable of being successful”, and “You have greatness inside of you.” The problem is, there has never been a systematic way or step by step process to implement to help students become successful and to reach their greatness potential. Until now. Blueprint For Success teaches the mechanics of designing and building a life that is authentic to the individual. My Great 8 Formula teaches the maintenance skills that are necessary for maneuvering the various experiences that will be encountered on the road to success and greatness. The Blueprint For Success program is aimed to help students elevate their mindset to believe in themselves, clarifies their life vision, pinpoints their personal attributes, develops soft skills, and action steps that are in alignment to reach goals, hopes, and dreams. All program components are meant to help students create the habit of designing their life before trying to build their life. It also encourages students to continuously strive to reach their greatness potential in every area of life. Success is not a one size fit all thing. It’s unique. Like a fingerprint and it should be designed with attention to details that caters to the individual. Ramona wants students to get into the habit of designing life before they try to build their life. Ramona encourages students to live their life by design and it all starts with a blueprint. The road to success should be authentic. It is only then that success and the potential for greatness will be manifested.